May 2024 Slug Club
Thank you for supporting my slimy dreams🙏👽
I am so happy you want to celebrate the slow times with me :) There is no better way than signing up for the least efficient form of communication in these unreasonably productive times! Is there anything more anti establishment than taking the slowest and most nonsensical path? What a beautiful act of resistance to not want MORE, FASTER !
So, here is your first monthly reminder to keep things slow and slimy.
Spring is going full blast, and it is by far my favorite season. Spring is so emotional! The drama of the world waking up from winter is overwhelming. Things feel sensitive and vulnerable from sleep, yet filled with bursts of energy that are ready to bust through the soil and melt all the ice! The freezing and thawing keeps us in an unsettled place, active and transformational. Things feel new but familiar, and I want to take my time with this reunion.
This year I have planted too many peppers and marigolds.
I have decided that I actually do like roses, especially the wild and climbing varieties.
I have been brought to tears by crocus blooming through the snow and the smell of sunshine on pine needles.
I planted seeds for plants I have never grown; epazote, jasmine scented tobacco, hollyhocks, and forget-me-nots.
I overheard my 4 year old niece tell her friend that I, her Auntie Mari, is an artist. After over 30 years of making art and wondering if this was true, I decided she was right.
Spring is exhilarating, but it is also heavy. Not everything makes it through the winter. This spring amidst the persistent heartbreak, and overwhelming loss of life in Gaza, the reality that tens of thousands of people did not live to see this spring is devastating.
I remind myself to stay awake. To feel all the complicated things at once. It is true that things are unthinkably beautiful and horrific all at once.
It is not a small act to be present. It is powerful to continue to search for beauty when it feels like the world is falling apart.
Go slow out there babies, times are so tough and we are so soft.